Good evening all.
I HAVE MOVED web hosting locations
After long consideration I have moved my blog site. I started this last blog August or there abouts and didn't think it would be as successful as it has been.
I realize not a lot of traffic has come to my blog, but frankly there has been more than I expected. I have had things to say and have found the platform to say them.
The opportunity came up to move to a web platform that will allow me to expand on what is written and what is published.
This new platform Chuck's cycling corner
This will allow me to post more pictures along with short videos, and yes if that sounds like the start of what will work into a web site, then I suspect you would be right.
This site was very good for me to start with, but now I understand a little more and want to add more. This is the reason I am moving
Please take this opportunity to accept my personal invitation to follow me over to Chuck's cycling corner
Thanks for reading, I hope to see and hear from you at the new site, again that's Chuck's cycling corner
Thanks for stopping by
Safe Ride Home
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Concepts, Confidence and Beliefs
believe these words are closer as a working team than some may think.
Confidence comes in believing you can do what has been asked of you in the
concept being taught.
once you understand the concept and try it, then get through it, the confidence
starts to build. As the confidence builds the task slowly gets easier which
builds the confidence.
once you have the confidence that you can complete the concept, and then the circle
has completed.
may be deeper than a lowly cyclist and person with a Police background is
allowed to go, but when both halves of the circle come together, then like Pipe
Major Terry LEE used to say “It’s a beautiful Thing".
skills follows that same paradigm.
start cyclists out with the basics, slow speed skills based on balance and slow
movements. Riding a straight line, then going around cones in a straight line
to a more challenging slalom course.
emphasize" the head is up, the back is straight". The students aren't
totally sure why but try it just the same. They ride around trying these skills
and once the concepts are recognized we move onto the next set, but continue to
go back to those basics.
can see the confidence start to build as we slowly add more cycling skills/
concepts. When you explain that with the head up and back straight, the
weight comes off the hands which allows the cyclist to do hand signals much
easier than they had done so previously. That is when the light starts to dawn,
and you can see it in their faces, they are starting "to get it".
instructors it's our job to teach/ mentor/ encourage those we are working with.
Once we show the concept, then convince them they can indeed to it, and we instill
the confidence, then we have over half of the process successfully completed !!
We as
instructors can go onto the next set of skills knowing those we are working
with believe in us and are starting to believe in themselves.
add the hand signals, they come through with no problem. Then we add
playing with gears and how to hold onto the handle bars, and how to let go with
the knowledge they aren't going to crash - the circle comes closer to
then add the Figure 8 drill, and the parking stall drill. We show why the Head
up-Back straight becomes even more important and how to use that knowledge to
complete both these drills. They flip between those two and see the concept.
This leads into the rock dodge which leads into riding the planks.
say total encouragement by the instructors is flying about, along with laughing
and positive thoughts would be an understatement.
like “I always knew you could that, I just had to convince you”. Words like “I
Believe!”, are very common, it almost sounds like a revival with high fives to
all those trying, doing and succeeding.
have grasped the concept, and are gaining the confidence, then add the positive
banter, then you have a winning compilation and a very positive environment.
circle completes.
add the threshold braking, standing ready to catch. But more over as each
person comes through positive words on how well they have done and how they can
reach out to do even better. Now their confidence is propelling them.
believe because we have told them We believe, and know they are actually doing,
so know they believe. The circle is complete.
put in the T Turn, our variation of the quick turn/emergency turn, that was
taken out of the curriculum a number of years ago.
took the emergency turn out because it was thought to dangerous for beginners.
I use
the T Turn variation, or also called the “decision maker”. I set up a wall of
cones and a funnel of cones down to the wall for the riders to ride down the
funnel and make the decision which way they will turn. The rider is instructed
they must turn 90 degrees at minimum, straight out or even better back the way
they came.
they approach the wall the rider must tell the instructor which way they will
turn. It is done slowly enough for the rider to think through the concept, and
the “What If, What If”. We also go over the other skills that have been
shown/taught during the session and how they put it all together.
have been in the parking lot for almost two hours, but it doesn't feel like it.
rider comes down with their head up, their back straight, weight off their
hands, so the bike turns far more easily and gets around the corner, either
right or left, the way they said they would. Once their confidence has built to
a point and a few successful passes have been made, then the Instructor will
stand behind the wall and point which way the rider will go. The rider has to
be prepared to go left or right, thinking What If, and how will I make the turn
they ask of me.
have put together the concepts and are telling us which way they will turn, and
go there, their confidence has jumped yet again.
smiles from those doing the skills, which has now become as much a play on your
bike session exudes with laughter, smiles and confidence in new concepts and
skills tried and completed, and the confidence to try these skills again.
the cones and planks and rocks and painted lines are no longer obstacles to go
around, but objects to use to practice and hone new skills and yes concepts
have also shown how to build a do-able obstacle course that doesn't cost much
money and brings skills, a sense of accomplishment, pride in skills done and
yes confidence in themselves and their abilities.
the end of the session I point out they have just gone through and learned
about 20 to 25 new cycling skills.
I ask the question - If I had told you this morning when we first met you would
have 25 new cycling skills by lunch you would have called me crazy, and they
shake their heads and agree. I then tell them that is exactly where they are
and they have, and they have had a blast doing and learning them. This time
they shake their heads with a smile from ear to ear and a want to go out, practise
and show their friends and family and co-riders what they have accomplished.
Confidence, and Beliefs.
A day
well spent in a parking and we only cycled about 200 meters. A pretty good
return for distance into fun into skills/ concepts into confidence.
for those wondering where the 25 skills are, as I am sure there are those that
counted. Each skill has two sides,
left/right or strong side/weak side.
you don’t think each side is a skill, try getting off your bike from the side
you usually do, then try the side you usually don’t, or try riding into and
around a regular size (8’6”) parking stall from each side, strong side/weak
side and see how you do.
for stopping by
Safe Ride Home.
Monday, 2 June 2014

I have a lovely sun burn,
cyclists burn- arms from just above the elbow down, the top of my legs and my
calves are also tingling, add to that my neck the bottom half of my face not
covered by the helmet visor. All in all a good day.
I watched the sun rise as I
ran for the ferry to Vancouver Island this morning and I am now watching had
sun set as we head back towards the mainland.
Yes, I would say it's been a
good day.
The course was a smaller
than hoped for class, for the City of Duncan. They are a repeat client so a
smaller class is acceptable, we hit the minimum but that was it.
The students left tired,
sore, sweaty, and a little burnt, but with smiles as big as all out doors.
They also left with a couple of other things- confidence that they can
now ride through their city with confidence in their ability. They also left
with a greater understanding of what safe and defensive cycling is about, and
how to look out and play the "what if" game.
They are better riders and
in turn they will be better drivers because they have a new perspective on road
Their employer is now able
to allow them to ride as part of their jobs, if the jobs allow for it. They
have more than 20 new skills to work with and practice which will further give
them riding confidence.
One fellow said he rode out
to the University of Victoria, down
MacKenzie but pulled off when the bike lane stopped. He said now he can
see how to finish that ride.
All the students came over
and not only shook my hand saying thank-you but pumped my hand with excitement
from the day. Like I said smiles from ear to ear.
Ya, I'm tired and
spent, and it's all worth it. And I feel good knowing I have accomplished
something today. I assisted others to reach farther with their cycling
potential and feel better about themselves.
An incredible BC sunset over
the ocean. These are what make BC the incredible place it is, and makes me blessed
that I am able to live back here again.
Tomorrow myself and Kelyn
are in South Surrey/White Rock doing it again for another group, another returning
The weather tomorrow is
supposed to the same as today, or better. A sunscreen day for sure.
I can't change the world but
I can work within my little piece of it to try to make it better and by giving
I am tired, a little sore
and sun burnt... and I feel good. A day well spent and looking forward to
Ya, it has been a good day.
Thanks for stopping by,
Safe ride home
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