Good evening all.
I HAVE MOVED web hosting locations
After long consideration I have moved my blog site. I started this last blog August or there abouts and didn't think it would be as successful as it has been.
I realize not a lot of traffic has come to my blog, but frankly there has been more than I expected. I have had things to say and have found the platform to say them.
The opportunity came up to move to a web platform that will allow me to expand on what is written and what is published.
This new platform Chuck's cycling corner
This will allow me to post more pictures along with short videos, and yes if that sounds like the start of what will work into a web site, then I suspect you would be right.
This site was very good for me to start with, but now I understand a little more and want to add more. This is the reason I am moving
Please take this opportunity to accept my personal invitation to follow me over to Chuck's cycling corner
Thanks for reading, I hope to see and hear from you at the new site, again that's Chuck's cycling corner
Thanks for stopping by
Safe Ride Home
Saturday, 14 June 2014
Sunday, 8 June 2014
Concepts, Confidence and Beliefs
believe these words are closer as a working team than some may think.
Confidence comes in believing you can do what has been asked of you in the
concept being taught.
once you understand the concept and try it, then get through it, the confidence
starts to build. As the confidence builds the task slowly gets easier which
builds the confidence.
once you have the confidence that you can complete the concept, and then the circle
has completed.
may be deeper than a lowly cyclist and person with a Police background is
allowed to go, but when both halves of the circle come together, then like Pipe
Major Terry LEE used to say “It’s a beautiful Thing".
skills follows that same paradigm.
start cyclists out with the basics, slow speed skills based on balance and slow
movements. Riding a straight line, then going around cones in a straight line
to a more challenging slalom course.
emphasize" the head is up, the back is straight". The students aren't
totally sure why but try it just the same. They ride around trying these skills
and once the concepts are recognized we move onto the next set, but continue to
go back to those basics.
can see the confidence start to build as we slowly add more cycling skills/
concepts. When you explain that with the head up and back straight, the
weight comes off the hands which allows the cyclist to do hand signals much
easier than they had done so previously. That is when the light starts to dawn,
and you can see it in their faces, they are starting "to get it".
instructors it's our job to teach/ mentor/ encourage those we are working with.
Once we show the concept, then convince them they can indeed to it, and we instill
the confidence, then we have over half of the process successfully completed !!
We as
instructors can go onto the next set of skills knowing those we are working
with believe in us and are starting to believe in themselves.
add the hand signals, they come through with no problem. Then we add
playing with gears and how to hold onto the handle bars, and how to let go with
the knowledge they aren't going to crash - the circle comes closer to
then add the Figure 8 drill, and the parking stall drill. We show why the Head
up-Back straight becomes even more important and how to use that knowledge to
complete both these drills. They flip between those two and see the concept.
This leads into the rock dodge which leads into riding the planks.
say total encouragement by the instructors is flying about, along with laughing
and positive thoughts would be an understatement.
like “I always knew you could that, I just had to convince you”. Words like “I
Believe!”, are very common, it almost sounds like a revival with high fives to
all those trying, doing and succeeding.
have grasped the concept, and are gaining the confidence, then add the positive
banter, then you have a winning compilation and a very positive environment.
circle completes.
add the threshold braking, standing ready to catch. But more over as each
person comes through positive words on how well they have done and how they can
reach out to do even better. Now their confidence is propelling them.
believe because we have told them We believe, and know they are actually doing,
so know they believe. The circle is complete.
put in the T Turn, our variation of the quick turn/emergency turn, that was
taken out of the curriculum a number of years ago.
took the emergency turn out because it was thought to dangerous for beginners.
I use
the T Turn variation, or also called the “decision maker”. I set up a wall of
cones and a funnel of cones down to the wall for the riders to ride down the
funnel and make the decision which way they will turn. The rider is instructed
they must turn 90 degrees at minimum, straight out or even better back the way
they came.
they approach the wall the rider must tell the instructor which way they will
turn. It is done slowly enough for the rider to think through the concept, and
the “What If, What If”. We also go over the other skills that have been
shown/taught during the session and how they put it all together.
have been in the parking lot for almost two hours, but it doesn't feel like it.
rider comes down with their head up, their back straight, weight off their
hands, so the bike turns far more easily and gets around the corner, either
right or left, the way they said they would. Once their confidence has built to
a point and a few successful passes have been made, then the Instructor will
stand behind the wall and point which way the rider will go. The rider has to
be prepared to go left or right, thinking What If, and how will I make the turn
they ask of me.
have put together the concepts and are telling us which way they will turn, and
go there, their confidence has jumped yet again.
smiles from those doing the skills, which has now become as much a play on your
bike session exudes with laughter, smiles and confidence in new concepts and
skills tried and completed, and the confidence to try these skills again.
the cones and planks and rocks and painted lines are no longer obstacles to go
around, but objects to use to practice and hone new skills and yes concepts
have also shown how to build a do-able obstacle course that doesn't cost much
money and brings skills, a sense of accomplishment, pride in skills done and
yes confidence in themselves and their abilities.
the end of the session I point out they have just gone through and learned
about 20 to 25 new cycling skills.
I ask the question - If I had told you this morning when we first met you would
have 25 new cycling skills by lunch you would have called me crazy, and they
shake their heads and agree. I then tell them that is exactly where they are
and they have, and they have had a blast doing and learning them. This time
they shake their heads with a smile from ear to ear and a want to go out, practise
and show their friends and family and co-riders what they have accomplished.
Confidence, and Beliefs.
A day
well spent in a parking and we only cycled about 200 meters. A pretty good
return for distance into fun into skills/ concepts into confidence.
for those wondering where the 25 skills are, as I am sure there are those that
counted. Each skill has two sides,
left/right or strong side/weak side.
you don’t think each side is a skill, try getting off your bike from the side
you usually do, then try the side you usually don’t, or try riding into and
around a regular size (8’6”) parking stall from each side, strong side/weak
side and see how you do.
for stopping by
Safe Ride Home.
Monday, 2 June 2014

I have a lovely sun burn,
cyclists burn- arms from just above the elbow down, the top of my legs and my
calves are also tingling, add to that my neck the bottom half of my face not
covered by the helmet visor. All in all a good day.
I watched the sun rise as I
ran for the ferry to Vancouver Island this morning and I am now watching had
sun set as we head back towards the mainland.
Yes, I would say it's been a
good day.
The course was a smaller
than hoped for class, for the City of Duncan. They are a repeat client so a
smaller class is acceptable, we hit the minimum but that was it.
The students left tired,
sore, sweaty, and a little burnt, but with smiles as big as all out doors.
They also left with a couple of other things- confidence that they can
now ride through their city with confidence in their ability. They also left
with a greater understanding of what safe and defensive cycling is about, and
how to look out and play the "what if" game.
They are better riders and
in turn they will be better drivers because they have a new perspective on road
Their employer is now able
to allow them to ride as part of their jobs, if the jobs allow for it. They
have more than 20 new skills to work with and practice which will further give
them riding confidence.
One fellow said he rode out
to the University of Victoria, down
MacKenzie but pulled off when the bike lane stopped. He said now he can
see how to finish that ride.
All the students came over
and not only shook my hand saying thank-you but pumped my hand with excitement
from the day. Like I said smiles from ear to ear.
Ya, I'm tired and
spent, and it's all worth it. And I feel good knowing I have accomplished
something today. I assisted others to reach farther with their cycling
potential and feel better about themselves.
An incredible BC sunset over
the ocean. These are what make BC the incredible place it is, and makes me blessed
that I am able to live back here again.
Tomorrow myself and Kelyn
are in South Surrey/White Rock doing it again for another group, another returning
The weather tomorrow is
supposed to the same as today, or better. A sunscreen day for sure.
I can't change the world but
I can work within my little piece of it to try to make it better and by giving
I am tired, a little sore
and sun burnt... and I feel good. A day well spent and looking forward to
Ya, it has been a good day.
Thanks for stopping by,
Safe ride home
Monday, 26 May 2014
And then there is paper work
I have found that teaching
the bike courses is the fun part of the whole operation, just behind the
preparing the material to be used. The
material is the CAN-BIKE course curriculum, but presented as I wish to see it
presented. I will be the first one to
tell you that I have a unique perspective on the curriculum. I know what the curriculum is, I know what
should also be presented, and I sit on the curriculum committee. I get to figure out what could work, then try
it out and see if the ideas will work out.
Then will they work out for someone else, and then will they work out in
other parts of the Country.
I would be liar if I said
that I didn’t think about the material and how to present it, then how to
improve it, regularly.
It has to do with what the
end outcome will be/must be, and what level is being taught. Different levels, different expectations.
This is the lead into the
paperwork that must be done if you want to have a successful cycling course.
There are certain things
and procedures that must be done.
We have all heard the
saying – the job isn’t done until the
paperwork is fully completed !!
Well, what are the
procedures that should be checked off so you can greet your course candidates?
I guess firstly you need
to have students to teach. The people
are really quite important.
Do you have the
qualifications to teach the level(s) you say you can?
Do you have students to
teach? Have you got a way to advertise?
Have you made arrangements
for a place to hold the course?
What are you going to use to present the in
class material? Do you have a lap top computer and a power point projector available? Is there a plasma TV/monitor you can use?
Having said that do you have the cords for the electronic toys you want to use?
Do you have extension cords to get from the toys to the wall socket, to show
the material? I carry two extension
cords, one to plug everything into, and a second to run out to the wall.
Have you arranged
for/purchased third party insurance?
Do you know where to make
that purchase?
Do you have some sort of
work safe insurance? In BC we require to have WorkSafe coverage for both myself
and any employees.
CAN-BIKE has a rule for
student/Instructor ratio, which is 5:1, 6 to 12 you require 2 Instructors.
Have you made arrangements
for the second Instructor?
Do you have the proper
material, such as manuals, pens, water with you?
Do you have a floor pump
handy?, that can be brought out for general use by all. Does it have the tip
for both styles of bike tube values?
Have you made arrangements
for a safe area that is large enough for the size of the group you are
teaching? I like to use the idea of
blocking off 150 % area for what I will want.
That way I have a buffer in case a motorist doesn’t see the cones and
drives into my area.
Do you have the proper
registration forms? How about the liability waiver forms? How about photo
waiver forms?
Are bathrooms available for
your use throughout the day?
Do you have the cones,
safety vests, rocks (rock dodge) and all other things that you will use for the
Have you scoped out a
course for the ride you want the students to be taken on? Does that course
cover the teaching points you want covered?
Have you prepared the
Certificates? Do you have a baseline Certificate to work from? Does it include the logo of the group you are
teaching? Did you get permission to use
the Logo? Remember Copyright applies,
both for the group you are teaching and CAN-BIKE !!!
I use Microsoft Publisher
program to make up my Certificates.
On my Certificates I use
as a header Cycling CANADA’s Maple Leaf/Cyclist, on one side I use the National
CAN-BIKE Logo along with my company Logo.
On the other side I use the Logo of the group I am teaching for (if
allowed), or else I will leave that side blank.
Do you have the proper
weight paper for certificates? I personal use 98 pound, glossy white. It works well, holds up well, and looks
Finally, do you know who
you are going to invoice for the course? And have you made arrangements to send
the invoice in?
Why go through all this if
you aren’t going to get paid for your efforts !!
I hope you haven’t read
this over and thought, Man, this is more complicated than I thought, I am not
going to go through all this. YOU WOULD
BE WRONG, this is just the cost of doing business, and it is a good business
and gives back to both your community and the cycling community.
It’s ironic, but you will
never really know how much good you have done, and the lives you have saved by
teaching proper techniques.
The bonus for me is when
at the end of the day a student comes over and very warmly shakes your hand and
says Thank-you, then adds, I have been riding for a lot of years and I learned
things today I didn’t know.
That is where my heart
melts and I know that I have accomplished what I set out to do. The behind the scenes preparations were all
very much worth it !!
Once you have done
everything to prepare and are ready, you are much more likely to have a successful
course presented.
AND, once done correctly,
by the numbers, then the next one and the next and the next are the same and
the surprises are less.
Proper paperwork and preparation
makes the whole experience, paperwork AND teaching go much easier. These are the things you can control.
We won’t mention the
weather. We just hope Mother Nature is
on our side on the day of the course.
Deal with and prepare for
those things you can have input into.
Thanks for stopping by,
Safe Ride Home.
Monday, 21 April 2014
Three Programs, One common Goal
It’s late April
and I must apologize for not keeping my word and posting twice a month, as I promised.
I am going to try to do better, as long as life doesn't get in the way.
I got started with
this project and plunged forward with great zeal, but as happens, life seems to
get in the way of great ideas. Then
there is the full time work thing, that thing that supports our cycling
The start of the
2014 cycling season has come and as of today, Easter Sunday, I have taught
three CAN-BIKE One courses and co-taught the NCCP Community Lets’ Ride/ Basic
Cycling Skills course. I have reached the lofty height of 88 cycling courses
taught. I am by no means an expert, just a fellow with some knowledge about the
subject, and willing to share. And yes get my arce kicked when I make a
mistake, which happens more often than I care to admit.
The CAN-BIKE courses are already to go, so doing the preparation for those doesn't take the time that it once
did. I do work at keeping them fresh and
interesting for those taking them.
More courses are
scheduled for the next few months. I am looking forward to the 100th cycling course, and hoping somebody other than me will notice.
As I mentioned
previously in late January/early February I took the League of American
Cyclists course – Traffic Skills 101 (TS101).
This was the prerequisite to taking the League Instructors course.
I did very well on both and am now a trained
League Instructor, or LCI, complete with LCI Instructor number.
January, early
February was busy because I also completed the NCCP Learning facilitators
Course. I did okay, but I have to admit I don’t think I did as well as others
thought I did. I got intimidated by the competitive/racing
types on the course, since I am not near as conversant with the completive
cycling genre. I’ll catch up.
I have taken the
three main streams of cycling Instructor courses. I have taught in two of the streams and
waiting to teach in the third. I believe
I am now in a basic position, and have the back round knowledge that I can compare to see how the League
approaches cycling in comparison to how CAN-BIKE approaches it, compared to how
the NCCP approaches it.
Let's be clear,
very clear, it is not my intention to say one is better than the other. If you
are looking for me to throw rocks, then you will be disappointed.
All three systems
have strengths and also have weaknesses.
I like the line
the movie reviewer on CKNW radio in Vancouver used, “that’s why Baskin-Robins
has 31 flavours, because everyone likes something a little different”.
CAN-BIKE has core
skills, as does The League, as does The NCCP.
of American Cycling NCCP Basic
Cycling Skills
1. Straight Line
Riding 1.
Starting/Stopping 1.
Braking- Front/Rear/Combined
2. Signaling 2.
Straight Line/Gears 2.
Straight Line – Wide/Narrow
3. Shoulder Check 3.
Scanning 3.
Tight Turns
4. Slalom 4.
Scan/Signal/Turn 4.
5. Rock Dodge 5.
Quick Stop 5.
Cornering – Medium Speed
6. Figure 8 6.
Rock Dodge 6.
7. Threshold Braking 7.
Avoidance Weave 7.
8. Quick Turn/ E Turn 8.
Quick Turn/Instant Turn 8. Front
Wheel Lift
Mounting/Dismounting 9.
Pick-Up/Drop-Off an object
Limbo (duck under)
Hill Climb
Hill Descending
Riding a Drop off
· Buzzing – A skill which involves a following rider touching their front tire to the rear tire of a moving leading rider. Named after the noise knobby tire make when they touch at speed. Used to improve confidence before riding in close quarters with others.
I have listed the basic corner stone skills from the
three systems.
As long as I have listed the basic skills from each
system correctly, and I believe I have.
Then we can look at all and see that there is a commonality that runs
through them.
CAN-BIKE and the League of American Cycling come from the
program designed and started by John FORESTER. The creator of Effective
The NCCP program appears to have the same basic roots,
but theirs also stem from what is required in competitive cycling.
It’s interesting, you can see a common thread that runs
through all, in no particular order:
& Stopping,
line riding.
The other commonality is that all three require the rider
wear a helmet.
Some things are the same, no matter where, how or what
you ride.
I’m going to
refer to the CAN-BIKE Four Core Values I feel sum up and apply here:
Manoeuverability, Visibility,
Predictability, Communication
Predictability, Communication
Basic skills are
the corner stone of safe cycling, no matter where you ride.
The elite riders ride up and down mountains and across
Countries and around tracks. Other riders that commute and/or just ride for fun
and enjoyment all started with the same common goals.
To be safe and have fun.
It’s a life style/choice that keeps us going, it gets us
out in the fresh air and we get some exercise.
And Have Fun !!
Thanks for Stopping By,
Safe Ride
Sunday, 20 April 2014
How Do You Spell Design ...
I got started cycling around my
neighbourhood in a West coast, Vancouver Island city in British Columbia as a
fair weather rider, as a youth. When I
got into my first career, I got into riding which morphed into competing and
then into teaching.
the most part I have ridden and trained on the roads. I have not been an off
road type, but I have tried the basic trail areas in the Delta watershed in
Greater Vancouver. The provided infrastructure
hasn’t always been the best place to ride, and cycling infrastructure, when
available, wasn't much more of an afterthought. Cycling infrastructure has not been taken seriously until the last few years.
Off road cycling and on road cycling are
two different types, but they overlap. The cycling principals are the same.
These terms from the CAN-BIKE program
ring true across the cycling spectrum;
Manoeuvrability Visibility
Predictability Communication
What brought on this blog entry is a new
walkway along the West side (backside) of the Edmonds Skytrain station, in
Burnaby BC.
I am adding the below pictures the pathway I am speaking about.
| |||||
….. The fence.
The fence blocks off the area under the street. The pathway comes up to
the fence then turns about 120 degrees and goes up to the Skytrain emergency exit.
There isn’t any direct indication that
the new path is connected to the Skytrain station, and it looks like other
portions of the pathways through Burnaby. If you look at the pathway it appears to be a
continuation of the actual pathway that comes into the Edmonds Skytrain area. There are footings for what appears will
likely be lighting.
Now let’s trace our steps backwards down
the pathways to the lighted paved pathway along the edge of Central park, from
Kingsway Ave to past Patterson Skytrain and MetroTown Skytrain stations.
The pathway along this portion is paved,
lit and designated as a separated cycle and pedestrian path.
If you look at the above pictures, this
area appears to be paved, getting ready for lighting, and appears to be a
separated bike and pedestrian path.
Further, the Edmonds section has the
appearance it couples into the pathways from the Burnaby side, through Edmonds
Skytrain station parking lot, off of the path along Rumble and up from the path
from 22nd St Skytrain station, along and past graveyard and the
elementary school.
The fence is intact and has in fact been
there for several years. It’s only a few blocks from the path, the Central
Valley Greenway. Behind the fencing, is
an area blocked off for I can only surmise is to keep the graffiti taggers out.
It is not until you suddenly come upon
this fence that you realize the path goes nowhere past the Skytrain station. Because
the fence blocks the whole distance opening from side to side. The cyclist must dismount and walk back around
to the greenway belt path. I hope the
cyclists realize the fence is there prior to running head long into it !! They
have to turn around and either go back along Griffiths, or out and past the grocery
store behind the BC Hydro building. This
leads me to the other half of what I wanted to mention.
As I said earlier road designers/urban
planners/engineers, those who design roads, neighbourhoods, cycling tracks,
multi-lane roads/highways aren't always cyclists.
go back a number of years in British Columbia.
In South Surrey along a number of roads the engineers were told that
they were to add bike lanes on the existing roads surfaces. They weren't to spend any more money, since
they had none to spend to build/rebuild the roads or expand the surfaces to add
a separated bike lane. I suspect the
road people weren't real sure what they were supposed to add, or exactly where
they were supposed to add them.
They did what they were told, and added
a marked (painted) biking area along the edge of the traveled road lane. This bike lane ran along the edge of the
road, okay so far not as large problem.
This is where the conventional wisdom has the bike lanes running even
Now, let’s add the twist. We come up to the area where the road meets
another road, and the turn bay which was designed into the road moves to where
a turn bay is supposed to go. Yes, the
straight through bike lane continues along the outside edge of the road, a
stops where the solid road lines goes with the road surface.
The cycling lane is expected to continue
but there is nothing marked on the road.
Further the bike lane going with the road lane puts the cyclist way out
of position and into a dangerous spot.
The cyclist now has to cross the turn lane, and then into the path of
the crossing vehicles in the intersection, and deal with the vehicles that are
going straight through.
Road have gotten somewhat better, in
some places this situation was corrected, but in a number of places it wasn't.
The road construction people tried to
point this cycling error out but those complaints fell on deaf ears.
As I mentioned the brainiacs saw some of
the problems but didn’t little about it.
It was these type pf situations that
assisted the rise of cycling zealots and their voices of how the designs were
screwed up, and they were right. They
pointed out the facts and what could be done to correct the problem, and again
they were close to what could work for both sides.
- 96th Ave and King George Blvd, on King George Blvd.
NOTE 2: The left turn bay/lane extends back a long distance, a rider must cross two lanes of traffic and the goard to turn
NOTE 1: The bike lane goes South on the West side of the right turn lane and crosses the right turn lane.
NOTE 2: The left turn bay/lane extends back a long distance, a rider must cross two lanes of traffic and the goard to turn
This brings me back to where I started,
cycling where it is safe. I mentioned
the path to nowhere and how it was constructed by, well we just don’t know.
When you are riding you need to check
out your route or routes prior to using them.
Maps are great and can be dated but may be out of date. GPS is great but it sometimes has flaws in
the program. Try looking up Georgia
Street, then Georgia Straight. They
sound very similar and if you have two thumbs like me, then you might make a
typo, and see what you get. On the Canadian
prairies many of the cities and towns have a “Central Avenue or Street” and a
“Railway Avenue”. The Canadian prairie towns were built by and around the great push West
of the railway, so they builders named the towns and the roads in the
towns. I am told that the names of the
new places were on a list of names that when they got to the bottom of the list
they started again, so the name likely appeared more than once along the same
railway line.
know some of you are wondering about names and building of maritime towns and
cities. I understand they were built from the beach and central dock
out, and no I have no idea how some of those places were names.
This brings us back to our opening line…
How do you spell design….
There are many many factors that go into
cycling infrastructure and design. Some that make sense, and then some that
make absolutely no sense at all.
Please take a minute to think it through and
then take a breath. We know the
designers don’t normally ride, so they build what appears to make sense to
them, and yes at times the world can look wonderful through rose coloured
Find the route(s) that works best for
you and where you are wanting to be.
The most direct may not be the best route, or
the safest route. There may be a
road/street/avenue/bike path that gets you where you want to be and is safer.
It might be a little out of your way, but if it is quicker or the same distance
and or time then it only makes sense.
Part of safe and defensive cycling is
knowing your limitations and riding within them.
Now the kicker… knowing where the best
place to be riding may not be where the designers have planned for you.
This could mean riding where you are not
accustomed to and maybe bend or twist the riding rules/laws.
Best to be right and where it is safe
for you and not follow blindly what an anonymous designer thinks is best.
Use your head, use your abilities. When
doing this hopefully you won’t have to use your superior defensive skills.
Thanks for stopping by
Safe Ride Home,
Tuesday, 4 March 2014
Plans, Preparations, Courses and Combining them all together
Yes it has also
been the first time I have taught a bike course with light snow falling. It does give an ironic humour in saying cycling
is an all weather sport, perspective is everything.
I would like to
speak about some points that I feel should be considerations with teaching
students/clients the concepts that are CAN-BIKE.
These concepts
are valid for any teaching. CAN-BIKE, The League of American Cyclists courses, or the
NCCP courses, or any course. I use these as I have taken Instructor classes
from both of those cycling aspects very recently.
These concepts, are valid when teaching. There
are numerous reading, dissertations and up to and including PhD level writings
on the subject. I have picked out what I
have been shown/taught, and what has worked for me.
As Instructors
we have to recognize that we have a diverse group that are coming to us with
the request to learn to ride better.
next thing we as Instructors need to recognize is the four ways people learn;
1 By Doing – Many people need to try some
activity in order to learn a particular skill.
This is sometimes called Kinesthetic or Tactile Learning
2 By
Hearing – There are many who have to hear what they are learning in order
to best absorb it. These people are
often called Auditory Learners.
3 By
Seeing – Some of us need to use our sight to get a good idea about what
they are learning. This is called Visual
4 By
Thinking – Some people need time to think and understand before they
learn. People that learn this way are
often called Cognitive Learners.
We all learn in
all four of the ways above, but most people have one or two ways that are more
prominent. If we know how we learn best,
it can help us to better and more quickly assimilate new information and
develop new skills quicker. In turn how to pass the information we are teaching
across to others.
I have learned
from the NCCP Facilitator training there are three levels of teaching. I have also learned as the person who is
teaching, we need to recognize how we fit into the grand scheme. The three key functions are;
We learn while
teaching where we fit, and then to use the three levels mentioned.
Each person is
different and uses the levels differently, and views the levels differently.
teaches us to recognize when to use the levels and how to make them work the
best for the group be taught.
Once we know how
best to present the material then we can present our lessons to achieve the
best outcomes.
As an Instructor
we need to be aware that we need to teach in ways that everyone can learn, not
just those who are closest to our way.
Now once we
combine the ways we learn, and the ways we teach and the way others learn with
the courses being taught, then the outcome will be better for those taking the
Let’s look at the CAN-BIKE course list.
There are a
number of different levels of courses that are offered. They are:
Kids CAN-BIKE Festival
CAN-BIKE Adult learn to ride 01,
CAN-BIKE Adult learn to ride 02,
01, tailored for youths
01, tailored for adults
01, tailored to Police volunteers and Security officers
Freedom for Women (CAN-BIKE 01 Women
Here in BC I
Pro courses.
The courses
offered depends on the Province you are in.
*NOTE* Not all courses offered in all places
in CANADA. Please check with the
CAN-BIKE office in Ottawa Ontario at for further course information.
When you look at
the courses offered through the CAN-BIKE program, you discover they cover the
spectrum of age, 6 to 80, and ability. I use 80 since I had a gent 80 years
young in a CAN-BIKE One class last year, and did very well.
Is it fair to
allow a person to take the class if it is above their ability? A rider who gets
either hurt or embarrassed isn't likely to continue. We want them to learn,
come back and more over have fun.
You should have
a plan, okay a basic idea, of how you want the class, and/or portions of the
class to go. The goal is to have the teaching objectives successful.
In my particular
case, when it comes to the parking lot portion, slow speed skills, I carry a
laminated recipe card with all the skills written down/listed. That way I can
follow the progression, and keep a track on what I have done, what I need to do
and make sure my time line is working out correctly.
My dear wife is
a teacher and has taught me how to make sure you are as prepared as you can be.
Get your material in order, get the
things you are going to use inside and outside the class ready and on hand.
I carry
everything I use in the back of the truck and in places I can reach quickly and
Keeping a class,
inside and outside running smoothly and as seamless as possible, is the key. At the end of the day when those taking the
course didn't see any hiccups or disruptions, then you are closer to being
The other thing
you want to take into account is who you are going to teach with. Good
chemistry is everything. I am blessed that I have a group that I can work and
co-teach/team teach with.
To those in that
group, and you know who you are, THANK-YOU for your assistance and support.
Not everyone can
lead, and in turn not everyone can sit second chair. You need to be comfortable
and have the confidence to be in either spot. The success of the students must
be the first consideration, after all in all most every case, they are paying
you to teach them.
The last thing
you want is someone coming up to you at the end of the day and saying they
didn’t get their monies worth.
The objective is
to be prepared, to be confident in your material and your abilities and those
you are team teaching with.
The bonus is
someone coming up to you, shaking your hand, and saying Wow, that was great I
have been riding for a lot of years and I learned something new today,
Thanks for Stopping,
Safe Ride Home.
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