Monday, 21 April 2014

Three Programs, One common Goal

It’s late April and I must apologize for not keeping my word and posting twice a month, as I promised.
I am going to try to do better, as long as life doesn't get in the way.

I got started with this project and plunged forward with great zeal, but as happens, life seems to get in the way of great ideas.  Then there is the full time work thing, that thing that supports our cycling addiction.
The start of the 2014 cycling season has come and as of today, Easter Sunday, I have taught three CAN-BIKE One courses and co-taught the NCCP Community Lets’ Ride/ Basic Cycling Skills course. I have reached the lofty height of 88 cycling courses taught. I am by no means an expert, just a fellow with some knowledge about the subject, and willing to share. And yes get my arce kicked when I make a mistake, which happens more often than I care to admit.
The CAN-BIKE courses are already to go, so doing the preparation for those doesn't take the time that it once did.  I do work at keeping them fresh and interesting for those taking them.
More courses are scheduled for the next few months. I am looking forward to the 100th cycling course, and hoping somebody other than me will notice.
As I mentioned previously in late January/early February I took the League of American Cyclists course – Traffic Skills 101 (TS101).  This was the prerequisite to taking the League Instructors course.
 I did very well on both and am now a trained League Instructor, or LCI, complete with LCI Instructor number.
January, early February was busy because I also completed the NCCP Learning facilitators Course. I did okay, but I have to admit I don’t think I did as well as others thought I did.  I got intimidated by the competitive/racing types on the course, since I am not near as conversant with the completive cycling genre.  I’ll catch up.
I have taken the three main streams of cycling Instructor courses.  I have taught in two of the streams and waiting to teach in the third.  I believe I am now in a basic position, and have the back round knowledge that I can compare to see how the League approaches cycling in comparison to how CAN-BIKE approaches it, compared to how the NCCP approaches it.
Let's be clear, very clear, it is not my intention to say one is better than the other. If you are looking for me to throw rocks, then you will be disappointed.
All three systems have strengths and also have weaknesses.
I like the line the movie reviewer on CKNW radio in Vancouver used, “that’s why Baskin-Robins has 31 flavours, because everyone likes something a little different”.
CAN-BIKE has core skills, as does The League, as does The NCCP.

CAN-BIKE                      League of American Cycling         NCCP Basic Cycling Skills

1. Straight Line Riding        1. Starting/Stopping                      1. Braking- Front/Rear/Combined
2. Signaling                        2. Straight Line/Gears                   2. Straight Line – Wide/Narrow
3. Shoulder Check             3. Scanning                                   3. Tight Turns
4. Slalom                           4. Scan/Signal/Turn                       4. Gearing/Cadence
5. Rock Dodge                  5. Quick Stop                               5. Cornering – Medium Speed
6. Figure 8                         6. Rock Dodge                             6. Mount/Dismount
7. Threshold Braking          7. Avoidance Weave                    7. Bumping/*Buzzing
8. Quick Turn/ E Turn        8. Quick Turn/Instant Turn            8. Front Wheel Lift
                                          9. Mounting/Dismounting              9. Pick-Up/Drop-Off an object
                                                                                             10. Limbo (duck under)
                                                                                                      1a. Hill Climb
                                                                                                      2a. Hill Descending
                                                                                                      3a. Riding a Drop off

·         Buzzing – A skill which involves a following rider touching their front tire to the rear tire of a moving leading rider. Named after the noise knobby tire make when they touch at speed.  Used to improve confidence before riding in close quarters with others.

I have listed the basic corner stone skills from the three systems.
As long as I have listed the basic skills from each system correctly, and I believe I have.  Then we can look at all and see that there is a commonality that runs through them.
CAN-BIKE and the League of American Cycling come from the program designed and started by John FORESTER. The creator of Effective Cycling.
The NCCP program appears to have the same basic roots, but theirs also stem from what is required in competitive cycling.

It’s interesting, you can see a common thread that runs through all, in no particular order:
         Starting & Stopping,
         straight line riding.
The other commonality is that all three require the rider wear a helmet.

Some things are the same, no matter where, how or what you ride.
  I’m going to refer to the CAN-BIKE Four Core Values I feel sum up and apply here:
                  Manoeuverability,   Visibility, 
                                         Predictability,   Communication

Basic skills are the corner stone of safe cycling, no matter where you ride. 
The elite riders ride up and down mountains and across Countries and around tracks. Other riders that commute and/or just ride for fun and enjoyment all started with the same common goals.
    To be safe and have fun.
It’s a life style/choice that keeps us going, it gets us out in the fresh air and we get some exercise.
  And Have Fun !!

Thanks for Stopping By,
      Safe Ride Home.


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